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검색결과의 분석

1.20200397936Systems and Methods For Internet-Of-Things (IOT) Robotic Sterilization Device
US 24.12.2020
국제특허분류 A61L 2/24
A생활필수품 농업
61위생학; 의학 또는 수의학
L서브클라스 색인
2식료품 또는 콘택트렌즈 이외의 재료 또는 물건을 소독 또는 살균하기 위한 방법 또는 장치; 그를 위한 부속구
24프로그램화 또는 자동화된 조작을 이용하는 장치
출원번호 17001587 출원인 ATOM, Inc. 발명자 Yani Deros

An internet-of-things (IOT) robotic sterilization system that operates autonomously for use in the prevention of diseases, e.g., Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by pathogens such as coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens present within an interior space is described. A robotic sterilization device is communicatively coupled to the IOT base module via an IOT network, and includes a misting or fogging system fluidically coupled to a liquid reservoir, a sensor module including plurality of sensors, a controller, and a locomotion system. The robotic sterilization device navigates a path within the interior space while creating a disinfecting mist with the misting system, and may coordinate with other IOT-connected devices, such as the HVAC system, UV Vent sterilizers, scent dispensing appliances, and others to more efficaciously sanitize the interior space to protect humans by eliminating pathogens.

WO 04.11.2021
국제특허분류 F24F 3/16
F기계공학; 조명; 가열; 무기; 폭파
24가열(加熱); 레인지; 환기(換氣)
F서브클라스 색인
3조정된 1차공기를 1개 또는 그 이상의 중앙장치로부터 2차처리를 위하여 방 또는 공간에 설치된 분배유닛에 공급하는 공기조화방식; 이같은 방식을 위하여 특별히 설계된 장치
12가열 및 냉각과는 별개의 공기처리를 특징으로 하는 것
16청정에 의한 것, 예. 여과에 의한 것; 살균에 의한 것 오존화에 의한 것
An apparatus is used with supplied power for treating air flow of an air handing system of a facility. A frame has a plenum with an inlet and an outlet. The frame is configured to position in the air flow of the air handing system for passage of the air flow therethrough. A filter is disposed in the plenum and is configured to filter the air flow therethrough up to a filtration threshold. An ultraviolet light source disposed in the plenum is connected in electrical communication with the supplied power and is configured to generate ultraviolet radiation in the plenum. A permeable metal barrier disposed in the plenum is configured to impede the air flow therethrough up to an impedance threshold. The barrier is connected in electrical communication to the supplied power and is heated to a surface temperature.
3.20210339184Mobile Purification Device Having Heated Filter for Killing Biological Species, Including COVID-19
US 04.11.2021
국제특허분류 B01D 46/42
B처리조작; 운수
01물리적 방법, 화학적 방법 또는 장치일반
D서브클라스 색인
46가스 또는 증기로부터 분산입자를 분리하기 위하여 특별히 개량된 여과기 또는 여과공정
42부속치 장및 그 조작
출원번호 16883981 출원인 Integrated Viral Protection Solutions, LLC 발명자 Monzer A. Hourani

An apparatus is used with supplied power for treating air in an environment. A housing is mobile in the environment and has an intake and an exhaust. At least one prime mover disposed in the housing between the intake and the exhaust is operable to move the air in the environment through the housing from the intake to the exhaust. At least one ultraviolet light source disposed in the housing is connected in electrical communication with the supplied power and is configured to generate ultraviolet radiation in at least one a portion of the housing through which the moved air passes from the intake to the exhaust. At least one permeable barrier disposed in the housing is configured to impede the moved air flow therethrough up to an impedance threshold. The at least one permeable barrier is connected in electrical communication to the supplied power and being heated to a surface temperature.

WO 21.10.2021
국제특허분류 A61L 2/08
A생활필수품 농업
61위생학; 의학 또는 수의학
L서브클라스 색인
2식료품 또는 콘택트렌즈 이외의 재료 또는 물건을 소독 또는 살균하기 위한 방법 또는 장치; 그를 위한 부속구
02물리현상을 이용하는 것
출원번호 PCT/US2021/027344 출원인 NUBURU, INC. 발명자 ZEDIKER, Mark
There are provided methods and systems of destroying pathogens, such as virus, flu viruses and bacteria in spaces and surfaces, including confided spaces and surface, including air circulation systems, HVAC systems, and air handling systems in locations such as in offices, hospitals, airplanes, restaurants, cruise ships, hotels, using lasers, coherent light, electromagnetic energy, high intensity photons, including blue lasers and green lasers.
5.20230372572Rotational Disinfectant Device and Method for Capturing and Disinfecting Infectants from a Gas
US 23.11.2023
국제특허분류 A61L 9/14
A생활필수품 농업
61위생학; 의학 또는 수의학
L서브클라스 색인
9공기의 소독, 살균 또는 탈취
14분무 또는 미립자화 되는 물질을 사용하는 것
출원번호 18029123 출원인 ROMICO HOLD A.V.V. 발명자 Jozef Johannes Hubertus Brouwers

A device and method for capturing and disinfecting infectants including viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and bacteria from a gas is described. The rotational disinfectant device includes means for transmitting the infectant-containing gas to a gas inlet of a housing, which housing has a gas outlet, a disinfectant liquid inlet and a disinfectant liquid outlet; a rotor mounted for rotation in said housing and connecting to the inlets and outlets, the rotor including a plurality of disinfecting channels extending axially and parallel to a common rotation axis; and means for rotating the rotor. A disinfectant liquid collector connects to the disinfectant liquid outlet and to a return conduit that connects with the disinfectant liquid inlet. A pump transfers disinfectant liquid from the disinfectant liquid collector to the disinfectant liquid inlet through the return conduit for re-use. The return conduit, the liquid collector outlet and the disinfectant liquid inlet form a closed fluid circuit. A plurality of interconnected devices may also be used. The device and method provide an efficient means for capturing and disinfecting said infectants from a gas in order to prevent their spread.

6.102364817공기정화기를 구비한 지구의
KR 18.02.2022
국제특허분류 G09B 27/08
09교육; 암호방법; 전시; 광고; 봉인
B서브클라스 색인
27유성의(Planetaria) 지구의(Globes)
출원번호 1020200101142 출원인 임상래 발명자 IM, SANG RAE
본 발명은 학습용과 장식용으로 사용되는 천구의, 지구의에 공기 정화기능을 부가하여 공기정화기를 구비한 지구의에 관한 것으로 특히, 흡기되는 오염공기 중의 오염물을 흡착수로 흡착제거한 후 다시 필터로 보다 효과적으로 정화시켜 배출함으로 장식효과와 함께 공기정화, 청정기능을 부가함과 함께, 흡착수통(10)에 충진되는 흡착수(W)에 살균, 소독 및 미생물 침입 예방과, 신종 인플루엔자, 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19), 중증급성호흡기증후군(사스), 중동호흡기증후군(메르스)를 일으키는 바이러스를 살균, 사멸할 수 있다고 알려진 차아염소산나트륨(NaClO) 또는 알코올 등 선택된 살균제를 첨가한 희석수로 충진시켜 공기정화를 이룰 수 있도록 한 공기정화 지구의를 제공하여 코로나 바이러스19 팬데믹에 효과적으로 대처할 수 있는 공기정화기를 구비한 지구의를 제공하는 것이다.
7.20220241451System for treating air
US 04.08.2022
국제특허분류 A61L 9/20
A생활필수품 농업
61위생학; 의학 또는 수의학
L서브클라스 색인
9공기의 소독, 살균 또는 탈취
16물리현상을 이용하는 것
20자외선 조사
출원번호 17665408 출원인 CEC Technologies, Inc. 발명자 William R. Johnston

A system for treating air includes a first vent and second vent and an air passage in fluid communication between the first and second vents. Air is drawn into the first vent, moved through the air passage, and expelled from the second vent. The air passage includes an ultraviolet-C (“UV-C”) chamber, comprising a UV-C source, and a filter located after the UV-C chamber in the air passage and exposed to the UV-C source. Air moved through the air passage is treated by the UV-C source and then the filter. Such system may be used to treat air containing coronavirus particles.

8.2609454Air purifier
GB 08.02.2023
국제특허분류 F24F 3/16
F기계공학; 조명; 가열; 무기; 폭파
24가열(加熱); 레인지; 환기(換氣)
F서브클라스 색인
3조정된 1차공기를 1개 또는 그 이상의 중앙장치로부터 2차처리를 위하여 방 또는 공간에 설치된 분배유닛에 공급하는 공기조화방식; 이같은 방식을 위하여 특별히 설계된 장치
12가열 및 냉각과는 별개의 공기처리를 특징으로 하는 것
16청정에 의한 것, 예. 여과에 의한 것; 살균에 의한 것 오존화에 의한 것
An air purification device / building management system integrating more than one air purification device 1, the device comprising drawing in air (dirty air) from a room or building in which the device is located through inlet apertures 15 in a lower part 10 of the device, passing the air through a particulate filter, and then discharging the filtered air (clean air) out of a plurality of vents 25 in an upper part 20 of the device, and wherein the upper part of the device has a curved top 30 (aerofoil surface). The filter may be a HEPA or ULPA filter. The vents may be arranged in aligned columns to create an air multiplier effect as the filtered air rises from the device. Airflow (34, fig 3) from sides of the device is pulled over the curved top and acts as an aerofoil to encourage an upward and rotational column of filtered air (36) (Venturi effect) to create a greater flow of the filtered air to all areas of the room. The device may be mounted on wheels to be mobile or mounted on a wall 30cm below the ceiling
WO 07.04.2022
국제특허분류 A61L 9/16
A생활필수품 농업
61위생학; 의학 또는 수의학
L서브클라스 색인
9공기의 소독, 살균 또는 탈취
16물리현상을 이용하는 것
출원번호 PCT/TR2021/050836 출원인 MCC MEDIKAL OZEL SAG. HIZ. END. MAK. B. E. AGD. T. A. L. S. V. T. LTD. ST 발명자 CANPOLAT, Murat
The invention relates to the use of an electric heater also as an airborne pathogen deactivation system. In particular, the invention provides the use of an electric heater designed to deactivate viruses, bacteria, and similar pathogens in closed environments while heating a closed environment as a result of exposing pathogens to high temperature while passing through the air tubes.
WO 14.10.2021
국제특허분류 F24F 3/16
F기계공학; 조명; 가열; 무기; 폭파
24가열(加熱); 레인지; 환기(換氣)
F서브클라스 색인
3조정된 1차공기를 1개 또는 그 이상의 중앙장치로부터 2차처리를 위하여 방 또는 공간에 설치된 분배유닛에 공급하는 공기조화방식; 이같은 방식을 위하여 특별히 설계된 장치
12가열 및 냉각과는 별개의 공기처리를 특징으로 하는 것
16청정에 의한 것, 예. 여과에 의한 것; 살균에 의한 것 오존화에 의한 것
출원번호 PCT/US2021/026673 출원인 AMERICAN HEALTH DEVELOPMENT, LLC 발명자 HEATH, III, Miller Lee
Provided herein are modular container units and assemblies for treating patients and personal protection. Further provided herein are warehouses and factories for storing the container units and assemblies, vehicles and methods for transporting the container units and assemblies, methods of treating patients with the container units and assemblies, and kits for sanitizing and assembling the container units and assemblies.