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Goto Application

Public Global Dossier Coverage

Last Update: 01.09.2020
Data coverage for OPD services
EPOPatent applications filed on 01.06.1978 and onwards
JPOPatent applications filed after 1990
AUPatent applications filed after 2006
CAPatent applications published since 01.01.2008
Note: Only limited sets of documents are available (examination reports and search reports) for applications published between January 2008 and September 2015.
GBPatent applications published on or after the 1st January 2006
ILPatent application filed on or after the 1st January 2010
INPatent application filed on or after the 11th January 2005
KRPatent application filed on or after the 15th January 1990
NZPatent application filed on or after the 3rd December 2012
USPatent application filed on Jan 1, 2003 and onwards.
Prior to 2003, applications are available on a case by case basis.